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69. The Power of the Podcast with Trevor Oldham

accidental entrepreneur building your business business coach entrepreneur podcast Sep 24, 2020

My guest today, Trevor Oldham, is a hard-working entrepreneur, who actually started his first business while he was still in school! Back in 2017, Trevor had clients who wanted to get publicity through being featured on blog posts came to him about being guests on podcasts. He started pitching those clients as podcast guests and Trevor found that he enjoyed the process and his clients enjoyed being podcast guests… Thus Trevor founded Podcasting You.



  • How Trevor started a 6 figure business from his dorm room [2:55]

  • Trevor's experience with burnout and how he moved past it [7:39]

  • A little bit more about Podcasting You [11:28]
  • Why Trevor decided to really go for it [12:24]

  • The difference between using social media and podcasting to get your message out [18:51]

  • You don't need a podcast to work with Trevor [21:25]
  • How to connect with Trevor online [26:41]


  • "Be brave enough to make a shift" [9:50]

  • "Having a podcast gives you the opportunity to pick someone's brain for an hour" [15:56]


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