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Shana Recker - Graphic Designer & Kajabi Expert
S5. E 179. Do you struggle with investing in yourself?
S5. E 179. Do you struggle with investing in yourself? business coaching investing money mindset

Do you struggle with investing in yourself?  Do fear and doubt slam you when you hear the price of the coach or the program? In this episode,...

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S5. E136. Are you stuck in a job you hate? Listen up... changing jobs entrepreneur growth mindset money mindset new career podcast quantum leap

Do you feel that Sunday night dread? Do you spend all week waiting for Friday, all month waiting for your next vacation? Then this episode is for...

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S5. E116. Feeling is the Secret [MONEY MARCH] entrepreneur growth mindset money money march money mindset podcast

The final episode of Money March is here! In today's episode, we talk about how we are able to change our feelings surrounding something. When...

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S5. E115. The Quantum Leap Ritual [MONEY MARCH] entrepreneur entrepreneurship growth mindset money money march money mindset podcast

I know that visualization is not something that comes easily to everyone. If you are truly passionate about your goal, then this ritual needs to be...

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S5. E114. Words to Never Say About Money [MONEY MARCH] entrepreneur growth mindset money money march money mindset podcast

In today's episode, I talk about some of the common phrases that I've found myself saying when it comes to money that have definitely not served...

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S5. E112. Power of Your Decisions [MONEY MARCH] business coach entrepreneur making money money march money mindset podcast quantum leaps

In today's episode, I talk all about my recent experience of stepping into Million Dollar Shana and making those million dollar decisions. Once I...

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S5. E109. How Your Income is Impacted by Your Energy [MONEY MARCH] business coach entrepreneur growth mindset money mindset podcast quantum leaps

In today's episode we are continuing our conversation surrounding money and how to get more of it. Have you noticed that when you are thinking...

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S5. E108. What I Didn't Know About Money and What it Cost Me. business coach entrepreneur growth mindset money mindset personal development podcast

We're talking about money all month long! In today's episode, I share how I was making more than I had ever made in my life and ended up losing it...

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S4. E61. How losing it all made all the difference business coach content creation entrepreneur growth mindset money mindset podcast

In today's episode I share some personal stories with you guys. I look back on the ups and downs that I've experienced financially and look at how...

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S4. E59. A useful tool to help you ditch limiting beliefs business coach entrepreneur growth mindset limiting beliefs money mindset online coach podcast

Everyone has childhood experiences that shape their beliefs today. In today's episode, I talk about my own limiting beliefs surrounding money and...

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S4. E39. Let's talk money, money, money and why you should want MORE! business coach entrepreneur growth mindset money mindset podcast

In today's episode talk Money Money Money Money! I share why you want to create an income goal and how wanting more money isn't a bad thing, NO...

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