The final episode of Money March is here! In today's episode, we talk about how we are able to change our feelings surrounding something. When we're hit with negative feelings towards something, we have all of the power to turn those into positive feelings. It takes some work, but listen to today's episode to learn my best tips!
Are you in Network Marketing? Join my...
I know that visualization is not something that comes easily to everyone. If you are truly passionate about your goal, then this ritual needs to be a non-negotiable. In today's episode, I give you some of my tips for making your visualization a habit, and sticking with it. Tune into today's episode to learn more.
Learn how to tap into your intuition [5:04]
Find a time of day...
In today's episode, I talk about some of the common phrases that I've found myself saying when it comes to money that have definitely not served me. I want you to learn from my mistakes. Plus, I'm going to give you some alternatives. Listen to today's episode to learn more!
Some of the common negative phrases we say concerning money [4:50]
Why it's important to be...
Have you ever heard of the Law of Cause and Effect? When we put good energy, and we serve the world in some positive way, that positive energy will come back to us. Bad moods are inevitable but it is important to shake them off quickly. Tune into today's episode to learn more.
Money is not always directly related to the service that we're giving [3:28]
You can...