Welcome to the Pursuit Podcast! The podcast that helps online coaches and entrepreneurs quantum leap their business! I am your host Shana Recker and I'm here to share the stories, the strategies, and the mindset through my own personal journey in my online business as well as the incredible guests that I bring on the show. We keep things super real here and we share whatever we need to help you...
Today's episode is all about one critical piece in making a Quantum Leap that many people forget... your mindset! You will not be able to achieve the goals you've always wanted if you're stuck in the same mindset you've had in the past. I talk all about how to make those mindset shifts in today's episode.
What do I mean by "Mindset over Mechanics"? [3:38]
- ...
Do you have a clear vision of what you want in your life, but struggle with the execution? I want you to really ask yourself if you trust yourself in achieving this goal. In today's episode, I walk you through my journey to trusting myself in hopes that it will help you! If you need that push to get started today, this episode is for you!
Do you question if you have...
In today's episode I go over my four best tips to help you with achieving your goals. You have to be clear, you have to visualize yourself with the goal achieved every single day, you have to take action and you need to stay accountable. Tune into today's episode for all the details!
A glimpse into next week's training [1:28]
Visualize yourself as already having...
Today we're talking about the word that changes everything.... your attitude! Negative things are going to happen - that's inevitable. However, it's the way we react to these situations that really matters. Tune into today's episode for tips on making a good attitude a habit and how to get yourself out of a funk.
A little about the workshop I'm hosting tomorrow...
Cat Golden, BSN, RN Her passion for helping nurses find the confidence they need to create their own schedules, take a chance on their dreams and maintain self-care sparked her movement, Nurses Inspire Nurses. She runs the Nurses Inspire Nurses shop and hosts monthly events and coffee talks, as well as, provides free resources to support nurses no matter their location. She has shipped Nurses...
In today's episode, I share some of the best tips and advice on overcoming uncertainty. If you are someone who gets freaked out when life is about to change, or you are forced to make a change, today's chat will be some sweet relief! We naturally want to protect ourselves when things look uncertain by retreating into the safety of what we know... but what if that uncertainty actually has gifts...
Lindsay Martens is a Naturopathic Doctor + Coach that leads women into deeper alignment with their hormonal cycles, their feminine energy, and their Human Design so that they rise in their own business + leadership, finding ease and joy in their lives.
What drew Lindsay to studying Human Design? [3:45]
What is meant by "human design"? [7:30]
- What impacts your...
Jenn is a professional Actor, published writer and Personal Development Mindset Coach. She lives what she teaches and as a coach, she helps people understand what is blocking them from achieving their goals and living life on their terms.
"Once they understand that," Jenn says, "I show them how to create and then move toward what it is they want for their lives and within themselves. Most...
In today's episode, I talk about how to discover what your true natural talents are and how to use those to your advantage. Tune in to learn more!
What I mean by discovering your natural talents [3:50]
You have to be willing to try new things [10:22]
- You need to be okay with failure [12:19]
Listen to feedback from others [14:45]
"Your talents...
Everybody feels fear and procrastination when it comes to their business. These feelings of fear or resistance are actually a good thing, because it means that there is growth on the other side of that. Today we talk about the best ways to move past this fear and to stop procrastinating on your dreams.
Why we experience resistance when trying something new [5:06]
When I first met Paige on LinkedIn, we immediately started geeking out over our favourite software. Paige founded Kismit Ideas, a web design and marketing agency at 27 and is an advocate for how our mindset is the most important factor in living the life we wish to design.
Paige wants you to feel empowered by the technology required in your business, instead of feeling overwhelmed and as though...