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S4. E62. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses! Dumb Things That Held Me Back course creation entrepreneur growth mindset limiting beliefs mindset online coach podcast Aug 27, 2020

I see you over there thinking about starting a business, but coming up with excuses as to why you shouldn't. In today's episode, I get super real about the reasons I was holding myself back and give you some advice on how to push past these limiting beliefs. You will never be 100% ready to take that leap of faith, but it's important that you jump anyways. Tune in to today's episode to learn...

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S4. E59. A useful tool to help you ditch limiting beliefs business coach entrepreneur growth mindset limiting beliefs money mindset online coach podcast Aug 17, 2020

Everyone has childhood experiences that shape their beliefs today. In today's episode, I talk about my own limiting beliefs surrounding money and how to shift your mindset and change the outcome. Tune in to today's episode to learn more.



  • How I changed my money mindset [1:35]

  • Everyone has childhood traumas that they have to work through [5:31]

  • Catch the limiting...
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140. How to get over your limiting beliefs. business coach entrepreneurship limiting beliefs podcast Nov 12, 2019

Who else gets that sneaky little voice in your head that says "you can't do that!" when you're about to do something out of your comfort zone? You're lying if you don't! We all do. In this episode, I share what limiting beliefs are, why they happen and then three things you need to do to get through the limits your ego puts on you!


  • You are designed to avoid the scary &...

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